Some Thoughts Logo



Over the past two years, Sidewalk Toronto has brought some important questions about cities – and our collective futures – into sharp focus. Some of those questions are new; others we’ve been asking for a long time. This is a collection of ideas to help build on and continue these discussions.

We asked contributors for a short, standalone description of an idea, policy, strategy, or best practice that might expand this conversation about cities. The people we asked met three basic criteria: a) people that have shown an interest in contributing to the discussion b) people that have a history of participating in public discourse and c) people with an explicit mission of inclusivity in their work. This list of contributors is not comprehensive or complete.

Within the collection there are conflicting ideas and world-views, which is exactly the point: to open up dialogue and create the largest possible tent to discuss what we want to see in our cities and spaces and how we might make those things happen. Our hope is that this convening will make space for more collaboration and conversation in the future.

The entries are presented in tables, to represent conversations that might happen over a meal. We have immense gratitude to the contributors for sharing their thoughts quickly, and with an openness to debate.

Thank you for taking the time to engage with us all.

Nasma Ahmed
Matthew Claudel
Zahra Ebrahim
Christopher Pandolfi
Bianca Wylie

Toronto, 2019

